Upwork Review: How Trustworthy Is Upwork? 

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Business owner reading an Upwork review before hiring freelancers

Upwork Review: How Trustworthy Is Upwork? 

Are you tired of sifting through dozens of mediocre job applications from unqualified candidates? Do you want to find the perfect freelancer for your project without breaking a single tear of sweat? Look no further than Upwork, the online platform connecting clients with talented freelancers from all over the world.


Upwork quickly became one of the most popular platforms for hiring freelancers, offering a wide range of services and an impressive pool of talent. From graphdic design to copywriting, web development to virtual assistance, Upwork has it all. But with as many options as Upwork provides, knowing where to start and whether it’s worth investing your time and money into can be overwhelming.


That’s where this article comes in. We are here to provide you with honest and thorough Upwork reviews from the perspective of clients and freelancers. We will cover everything you need to know about using Upwork, from the ease of use to the quality of talent on the platform and everything in between.


In this review, we will explore the DNA of Upwork, its pros and cons, and real-life success stories, as well as devastating failures. So, fasten your seatbelt and get ready for an exciting journey into the world of Upwork!


What Is Upwork?


Upwork, part of TIME’s List of 100 Most Influential Companies of 2022, is an online platform that connects businesses and individuals with freelancers from all over the world. It provides a space where clients can post job listings, and freelancers can browse available jobs, submit proposals and bid on projects. 


The platform facilitates communication and collaboration between clients and freelancers. It allows easy tracking of work progress and efficient payment processing. Upwork offers a wide range of job categories, including writing, social media marketing, programming, and software development, among others.


Thus, a business can contract a wide range of specialists, such as a freelance developer, graphic designer, virtual assistants, and other freelancers, on a single platform. It also provides resources for freelancers to build their professional profiles, showcase their skills, and develop their portfolios. 


In addition, Upwork provides clients with additional features that assist them in finding and managing the perfect freelancer for their needs. For companies with multiple team members, Upwork’s co-worker feature allows for easy collaboration and management of projects and project deliverables.


The Enterprise program offers a dedicated team to help recruit and manage freelancers for larger or more complex projects. Meanwhile, for companies looking for a more personalized approach to hiring, Upwork Talent Scout delivers a customized selection of pre-screened candidates for a streamlined hiring process. 


Exploring Upwork: How Did It Start?


Gig economy veterans may still recall Elance or oDesk. These two companies were founded in 2003 and 1999, respectively. They had been competing in the online freelancing space for over a decade before merging in 2013 to form Elance-oDesk.


The merger was driven by the recognition that the two companies had similar business models and complementary strengths. oDesk pursued a strong focus on technical and engineering projects. Meanwhile, Elance had a broader range of job post categories and a larger pool of freelancers. By combining their resources and expertise, the new company aimed to provide a more comprehensive and streamlined platform for freelancers and clients alike.


Upwork enjoyed tremendous popularity and sent many of its competitors scrambling. In 2018, Upwork went public and was already generating over $1 billion per year. The freelancing site has since grown to become the largest freelance marketplace in the world, with freelancers and clients from over 180 countries. Upwork has also expanded its services to include talent sourcing and staffing solutions for businesses and tools for freelancers to manage their finances and taxes.


As of January 2023, in the US alone, around 3.7 million freelancers used Upwork.


How Does Upwork Work?


Contrary to popular belief, Upwork is not an employer of freelancers but merely an intermediary. You can think of Upwork as a marketplace where clients search for digital labor offered by freelancers.


Clients can create projects, discover the freelancers’ profiles, or invite specific freelancers. Hiring also runs directly through the platform, which has tangible advantages for clients and contractors. 


For instance, the client pays the funds for fixed-price contracts into an escrow account, a kind of blocked account. The money is only released when the work is done. This way, thanks to the Upwork payment protection, freelancers play it safe to receive payment, while employers don’t have to pay for incomplete projects.


Pros and Cons of Upwork


The popularity of Upwork has grown rapidly in recent years. Especially during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, the number of freelancers on Upwork exploded. On the one hand, this testifies to the advantages of the platform. On the other hand, it has also resulted in some disadvantages.


So, before we dive into the Upwork reviews of clients and freelancers, let’s first sort out the fundamental advantages and disadvantages of Upwork.


Upwork Pros


First of all, there is good reason for Upwork to enjoy such enormous levels of success. Since its inception, Upwork has been able to compete against numerous other platforms that are now practically insignificant in comparison to Upwork.


It is safe to say that Upwork is one of the best global freelance platforms in its league. But what are the actual benefits for clients and freelancers that Upwork scores with?


Let’s take a closer look and discuss the basic advantages of Upwork.


Access to a Global Work Marketplace


One of the most significant advantages for clients and freelancers simply comes from Upwork’s sheer size. There are few other platforms where more clients meet more freelancers than Upwork. For freelancers who want to browse through large numbers of current and specific projects quickly, Upwork becomes an ideal choice.


By utilizing Upwork, businesses no longer need to constrain themselves to geography when it comes to finding the best talent for their needs. Companies now have access to a vast pool of talented individuals from all over the world. This allows businesses in high labor cost areas with challenging employment conditions to tap into a global pool of freelancers who can provide work without the need for long-term employment contracts, work permits, visas, and other bureaucratic challenges.


While cost-effectiveness is often a consideration for businesses, it’s important to remember that low cost doesn’t always equate to high quality. To ensure top-quality work, it’s crucial for businesses to carefully vet potential freelancers, review their portfolios and ratings, and conduct interviews before hiring. By making access to top talent the number one priority and cost-effectiveness a secondary consideration, businesses can find the perfect freelancer for their needs while still staying within their budget.


Flexibility and Control over Work


Upwork creates a framework that is not always given in direct cooperation. The platform clearly regulates payment terms, order details, and assignments. This allows freelancers and clients to focus on projects without the distractions of external drivers.


With the milestone feature, clients control what work is done and when. Freelancers, in turn, benefit from a defined and transparent workflow structure and regular payments for the progress of each project.


Opportunities for Skills Development


This advantage of Upwork specifically benefits freelancers; recently, Upwork developed into more than just a recruitment platform. Step by step, Upwork built up its Resource Center and its community


Upwork also offers courses, guides, and much more to help freelancers grow personally and professionally. Upwork provides all these resources free of charge for freelancers to use without restrictions.


Potential for High Earnings


The sky’s the limit. Unlike a 9 to 5, a freelancer’s income on Upwork is not capped. The more they work – and the higher project prices or rates they secure – the higher their earnings. 



On Upwork, freelancers directly influence their income: if you are good, the platform will reward you. It is not uncommon for freelancers to earn double or triple what they would earn as an employee in the same field.


Different Contract Duration Times


One of the advantages of Upwork for clients is the variety of different contract durations of work assignments. Clients can agree on different terms of employment, such as one-time projects, part-time, or full-time, depending on the project. Thus, Upwork offers clients and freelancers not only the possibility to collaborate flexibly, but also exactly according to the individual needs of the work affairs. 


When a client hires a freelancer for a temporary assignment, he can specify the duration of the freelancer’s work, whether it is a few hours, days, or weeks. This way, the client can complete a specific project without necessarily having to commit to a long-term employment relationship.


Quality Assurance and Dispute Resolution


Quality assurance and dispute resolution are important advantages of Upwork for freelancers and clients because they provide a way to ensure that the work is of high quality and that any dispute resolutions are fair and efficient.


Upwork has a dispute resolution process in place for any issues between the freelancer and the client. This process is designed to be fair and efficient. It can help to resolve disputes quickly and without the need for legal action. 


Upwork Cons


Although Upwork is one of the most popular platforms of its kind, it is still not without its faults. 


Of course, the disadvantages of Upwork are a subjective matter, depending on the individual needs of clients and freelancers. However, there certainly are some features of the platform that a particularly large number of users see as disturbing. 


High Competition and Low Rates


One of the biggest disadvantages of Upwork is its high competition and low rates that freelancers often face. 


With so many freelancers competing for the same jobs, clients have the luxury of offering low rates and expecting high-quality work. This can create a race to the bottom where freelancers are forced to accept lower and lower rates just to remain competitive.




For both employers and freelancers, Upwork is a legal gray area in many countries. Especially in regions with particularly strict labor protection laws, such as the European Union, hiring a freelancer through Upwork can be seen as pseudo-self-employment.


In addition, Upwork deliberately keeps out of the realms of taxation, social benefits, pension funds, etc., and pushes the responsibility onto its users.


Unreliability and Low Quality


Opening an Upwork profile is theoretically possible for everyone and does not require entrance exams, background checks, or entry interviews. As a result, not every freelancer offers what he promises to his clients.


There are numerous cases of fake profiles and unreliable freelancers who do not meet deadlines or apply for projects for which they are not qualified.


Platform Fees


Upwork charges fees for both freelancers and clients. The only exception to this is freelancers who win enterprise clients, which allows them to keep 100% of their revenue from these contracts.


Clients on Upwork pay transaction and service fees in addition to the order amount. Meanwhile, freelancers have to hand over up to 20% of the funds they receive and may be subject to VAT tax if they live within the European Union.


Upwork has, however, decided to modify its fee structure, and starting from May 2023, it will charge a flat fee of 10% for all earnings. On top of that, if the freelancers don’t have a US bank account, they have to pay withdrawal fees and be subjected to Upwork’s unfortunate exchange rates.


Hard to Get Refunds


The escrow model for fixed-price projects requires the client’s acceptance of the release of funds to the freelancer. This is to ensure that clients only have to pay if the work has been satisfactorily completed.


However, once the milestone is accepted, it can be almost impossible for a client to get a refund if the work is faulty. This is because Upwork expects them to check the quality of the work before accepting a milestone. 


After the platform releases the payment from escrow, the client may still file a dispute for 30 days and request a refund for 180 days, but the chances of getting the money back are slim to none. 


Lack of Job Security for Freelancers


The lack of job security that comes with freelancing on the platform is another huge disadvantage of Upwork for freelancers. Unlike traditional employment, Upwork freelancers don’t have the guarantee of steady work or a consistent income. Jobs can come and go quickly, leaving freelancers without a reliable source of income or job security.


This lack of job security can lead to stress and uncertainty for freelancers, as they must constantly seek out new clients and projects to maintain their income. It can also impact their ability to meet tax obligations in their home countries and plan for the future, such as saving for retirement or investing in their career development.


Talent Ranking


If freelancers do not want to invest all their time in applying for different jobs, they need to be able to rely on being found by clients at a certain level. 


Unfortunately, Upwork has chosen to base its freelancer ranking on random rotation and the number of paid connects rather than ranking freelancers according to their suitability and qualifications.


Upwork Reviews: Real-life Success Stories and Failures 


Upwork from the Freelancer’s Point of View


If you want to know how useful Upwork really is, there is nothing better than asking the platform’s users directly. 


Best Reviews by Upwork Freelancers


Worth the Price Tag


As described in the disadvantages, Upwork comes with high fees. However, if one takes a look at the securities, such as the career and development opportunities that Upwork offers, as well as the ability to continuously increase one’s rates, many freelancers are of the opinion that the costs of the platform should be justified.


A positive Upwork review by a freelancer



Finding Great Projects 


When it comes to finding projects that are perfectly tailored to you, Upwork is a tremendous asset, as this Upwork review points out. 


A positive Upwork review by a freelancer



Worst Reviews by Upwork Freelancers


However, it’s not always smooth sailing on Upwork for some freelancers, as the following reviews highlight.


Freelancers as Cash Cows


A view that has become increasingly prevalent in the last two years is that Upwork has moved its focus away from ensuring quality and towards cashing in on freelancers. Those who offer their services through Upwork today can feel like the platform squeezes them for their last penny.


A negative Upwork review by a freelancer



Is Upwork on the Decline?


Many can’t shake the feeling that Upwork is not what it used to be. As this freelancer understands it, Upwork’s service, along with its ever-increasing costs, is declining. So much that it feels like Upwork is now exploiting its name and reach to commoditize its freelancers.


A negative Upwork review by a freelancer



Upwork from the Clients’ Point of View


With so many Upwork reviews from freelancers on the web, it is easy to forget that we must also consider the platform from the client’s point of view. 


The following Upwork reviews reflect the perspective of various clients.


Best Reviews by Clients


The Twist that Was Missing for the Success of the Project


This is precisely the kind of situation Upwork is perfect for when a company is working on a project and reaches a point where expert knowledge is necessary that is not available within the company.


Ideally, clients can find flexible and highly specialized talent in a short period of time, rounding out the project through expert knowledge – Without the need for complex onboarding or long-term commitments. They can also easily rehire a former employee if the need for their skillset arises in the future.


A positive Upwork review by a client



Quickly and Easily Cover Demand for Talent


Especially in areas such as data analysis, software engineering, or product management, there is a global shortage of skilled workers. Understaffing can cause to inabilities for businesses in meeting commitments or take on new clients. To counteract these productivity losses, Upwork provides an effective tool for bridging understaffing.


Worst Reviews by Clients


Upwork offers clients numerous possibilities, such as external skills and help in case of a shortage of manpower. Nevertheless, some clients view the freelance platform with a critical eye, as the following worst reviews by clients show.


Unreliable Freelancers


Freelancers like the one described by this client in his comprehensive Upwork Review had to experience caused the image of professional work on Upwork to suffer and clients to turn their backs on the platform.


If you ask around, you will notice that this problem seems to be increasing lately.


A positive Upwork review by a client



Not Everything Shiny Is Pure Gold


Upwork promises talent at reasonable prices. This client notes in his evaluation that this is not always the case. Less professional freelancers often bill their services at a supposedly cheap hourly rate, only to artificially bloat their working hours. In contrast, professional freelancers usually charge a higher hourly rate or a fixed price while completing the work in a fraction of the time. 


A negative Upwork review by a client



Upwork Reviews on Various Platforms


Upwork Community Reviews


A resource that provides a good understanding of the opinions, reviews, and concerns of Upwork users is the Upwork Community Forum.


Here, users can post questions and experiences about the freelance platform. Let’s take a look and see what the users have to say.


No Invitations


Ever since Upwork changed its application process and introduced the bidding system, many experienced freelancers noticed a huge drop in invitations to projects.


Freelancers with proven skills and excellent reviews, who had already turned over tens of thousands of dollars through Upwork, suddenly hardly received any invitations.


Among other things, this has to do with the profile visits, which have dropped from several hundred per week to less than five per week for some freelancer profiles.


A Upwork community review by a freelancer



Does the Boosting of the Application Even Work?


Many freelancers face problems with the new application system. For them, it is a deterioration of the previous method.


A Upwork community review by a freelancer



Quora Upwork Reviews


Another place to track the position of clients and freelancers is Quora.


Is Freelancing on Upwork Worth My Time?


This user has a clear answer to the question, ‘Is Freelancing on Upwork Worth My Time?’ His answer: It depends. As fuzzy as that may sound, it is true. Whether it is worth the effort to start Upwork depends on various variables, including individual circumstances and goals.


A Upwork review by a freelancer on Quora



How Trustworthy Is Upwork?


In this Quora response to the question of how trustworthy Upwork is, a customer highlights the benefits of Upwork. This user sees Upwork as a trustworthy, global platform that offers real added value when used properly. However, he emphasizes that there are quite a few black sheep among the users who engage in unfair practices.


A Upwork review by a client on Quora



Reddit Upwork Reviews


The social news aggregator Reddit has become a discussion forum for everyone and everything. The Upwork Subreddit r/Upwork offers some exciting insights.


Free Work? Navigating Between Red Flags


Shady characters do not only exist among freelancers but also among clients.


In his Upwork review, this user shares a simple but substantive list of Upwork tips, such as potential clients asking for free work that may be considered dangerous to freelancers.


A freelancer's tips to apply for jobs on Upwork on Reddit



Upwork is Transforming Lives


Even though there are plenty of critical voices on Reddit about Upwork, some users do share their Upwork success stories. This freelancer, for example, made around 15 US dollars per hour two years ago and has now earned over 100,000 US dollars.


His Upwork account is Top Rated Plus, and he has a job success score (JSS) of 100%. You can find out more about what this means in the FAQ of this article.


A freelancer's opinion of Upwork on Reddit



Advantages of Relying on Agencies


In addition to hiring freelancers, clients can also contract agencies to work on projects. Agency profiles are a separate user category on Upwork, where individuals work together on the same projects. But how do agencies differ from individual freelancers, and why might working with an agency be more advisable?


Agencies are created from freelancer profiles and are linked to the individual Upwork profile of the agency’s founder. However, members can be added to agency profiles to process the agency’s assignments. 


Thus, when a client hires an agency for a project, the client only contracts one agency and not all the freelancers working within the agency. For customers who require talent in different areas of expertise for a project, hiring a reputable agency may not only save time and effort but also ensures seamless collaboration between the different professionals.


Furthermore, by hiring an agency, only a single payment is due since the cut for the individual members’ paid service is handled by the owner of the agency.


FAQ: Taking a Closer Look at Upwork


Is Upwork legit?


As one of the largest and most successful freelancing platforms in its field, Upwork offers numerous job opportunities and possibilities for both aspiring freelancers and companies in need of new talent.


Upwork delivers comprehensive and honest policies, and it would be misleading to call Upwork a scam. So, Upwork is definitely legit. However, that doesn’t mean that users of the platform can’t fall victim to an Upwork scam. Regardless of whether you are a freelancer or a client, before entering into a contract, it is crucial to double-check your counterpart and ask yourself if the offer is not too good to be true.


The bottom line comes down to common sense and following Upwork’s guidelines. When you use it correctly, Upwork can be one of the most powerful tools for achieving projects, business goals, and personal development.


How does the Upwork Job Success Score (JSS) calculation work?


The Job Success Score (JSS) is a metric that Upwork uses to measure the success of completed projects. It appears on a freelancer’s profile as soon as they successfully complete a number of projects. 


The JSS ranges from 0 to 100 percent. 0 is the worst, while 100 is the best possible score. Below a JSS of 70 percent, it tends to be very difficult for freelancers to find a job. If their JSS is above 90, freelancers can potentially qualify for awards such as Top Rated or Top Rated Plus. 


Are Upwork public feedback and private feedback different?


When a freelancer finishes a project on Upwork and hands it over to the client, the client can leave detailed feedback on their work. With some jobs, a freelancer’s JSS might drop even though he or she has received a good rating. But how can this happen?


At this point, it is crucial to understand that the client may write private and public feedback. While the public feedback appears on the freelancer’s profile history, the private feedback remains secret. That said, private feedback still affects the Job Success Score. 


How did COVID affect Upwork? 


The world was forced to adapt in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic. The rise of Upwork was a shining example of how businesses can thrive in the face of adversity. As more and more people found themselves working from home, looking to improve their work-life balance, Upwork emerged as the go-to platform for companies looking to outsource projects to skilled freelancers.


However, the strong increase in freelancers has caused a shift in the demand-supply ratio. Suddenly, a constant number of orders was matched by a much larger number of providers.


What are the Upwork talent types?


Upwork has recognized that not all freelancers meet the quality requirements of certain clients. Although clients can select potential freelancers according to the quality levels Entry Level, Intermediate or Expert, freelancers can determine for themselves in their profile whether they see themselves as an expert or not.


For this reason, Upwork awards the talent badges Rising Talent, Top Rated, Top Rated Plus, and Expert Vetted. While Expert Vetted is only possible for some specific fields, any freelancer can achieve all other badges if they meet the necessary requirements.


Does Upwork have customer support?


Yes, Upwork offers customer service, both for freelancers and for clients and agencies. You can contact a customer support representative 24/7 via chat. Alternatively, you can also request email support, which may take a few days.


Why do freelancers need Upwork Connects?


In order to apply for jobs for which one has not received an invitation, freelancers have to get Connects. Connects are a kind of token that freelancers can earn or buy. You receive Connects when you respond to invitations or when you buy them for 15 cents per Connect. 


Since 2022, you can activate the Availability Badge with an individually configurable amount of Connects per week. In addition to the minimum number of Connects required per application, freelancers may boost their application by paying additional Connects. Thus, through freelancers’ bidding, they can make the application more visible to clients.


What are hourly vs. fixed-price jobs?


Clients and freelancers on Upwork can agree on two different types of contracts: an hourly contract or a fixed-price contract.


In the hourly contract, freelancers sell their time. This means that the client pays for how long a freelancer works on a project. With fixed-price projects, on the other hand, the client and the freelancer agree on the amount for the project iin advance, regardless of how long the freelancer works on the project.


How to track work on hourly-based contracts?


Tracking work after accepting hourly-based Upwork proposals is crucial for both the freelancer and the client. It ensures that the work is done efficiently and accurately.


Freelancers can track their work on Upwork using its Desktop App, the Upwork time tracker. It automatically records time worked on hourly projects and takes screen captures in each ten-minute increment to confirm the activity, or by manually inputting their hours.


Should clients allow tracked or manual time on Upwork?


When entering into hourly contracts, clients on Upwork can opt to allow the freelancer to manually record hours that have not been recorded by Upwork’s Desktop App. 


This is useful, for example, when working offline or when the freelancer has forgotten to activate the desktop app. To prevent fraud, however, manually recorded time does not qualify for Upwork’s payment protection.


Upwork Review: Conclusion


In a nutshell, Upwork has established itself as a leading global work marketplace. It has gained the trust of freelancers and clients around the world. It offers a valuable set of features for clients to manage their projects and teams and resources for freelancers to build their profiles and portfolios. 


Upwork’s success is due to its advantages, including access to a global marketplace for work, a self-determined work-life balance for freelancers, a streamlined hiring process, and a secure payment system. However, the Upwork platform also has some drawbacks, such as high fees, strong competition, and the risk of fraudulent freelancers.


In a world where remote work is becoming increasingly popular, Upwork offers a valid service for its users. Upwork has fundamentally changed the freelance industry and is worth a look for anyone looking to hire or freelance.


If you’re looking for a reliable dedicated development team to assist you with your development project, Datrick can help. Schedule an intro call before contacting us on Upwork. 


Furkan Yolcu

A data analysis enthusiast with a seasoned career that peaked with a co-founded start-up. Currently working on solutions for large businesses that require outsourcing with a hands-on, innovative HR strategy. Read more posts by Furkan.

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