Hiring a Dedicated Development Team vs. Picking Individual Talent

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A business owner working with a remote dedicated development team

Hiring a Dedicated Development Team vs. Picking Individual Talent

Building a high-quality product is the end goal for any development team. However, any developer will tell you that it is not a task for the faint-hearted. Development is an iterative and complex process, often unpredictable and rife with challenges. To be successful, you need a high level of productivity, adherence to strict deadlines, and team compatibility.


In the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic, many businesses began to recognize the shortcomings of in-house development teams and turned to outsourcing as a more viable solution to maintain profitability and survive the crisis.


Research data shows that IT outsourcing occupies more than 50% of the global outsourcing market. This should come as little surprise because outsourcing provides businesses with access to skilled labor at a fraction of the cost of hiring in-house staff. However, how can you entrust the solution to technical problems using third-party developers? The solution, hire a dedicated development team.


5 Reasons Hiring a Dedicated Development Team Is More Effective than Picking Individual Talent


In the development industry, the term “dedicated development team” refers to a cooperation model with a remote development team. Under this model, the client is provided with development specialists on a long-term basis. In many cases, it is a remote team of developers dedicated to working on one client’s project at a time. This arrangement has numerous benefits for both the client and the vendor. Let’s take a closer look at each of these advantages.


A Dedicated Development Team Has Team Chemistry


A dedicated development team is not too dissimilar to an in-house team in that you directly manage your outsource team and set a communication frequency that is most convenient for you. There are intermediaries, so communication is more direct and efficient. This, in turn, leads to better planning and execution of development projects.


Thanks to various communication channels that provide excellent opportunities for transparency and effective interaction, you can interact with the development team directly. These tools allow dedicated teams to keep clients in the loop about what they are doing and where the project is on the progress scale.


Although you can take complete control over the team, including scheduling and setting up workflows, you can also entrust the micromanagement to your dedicated project manager.


When working with a dedicated development team, you benefit from working with a group of people with years of experience working together. They will be able to draw on this past experience to provide insights and recommendations that can help with the project’s development. Partnering with a dedicated development team also gives you the peace of mind that comes with knowing you’re working with people who get along well and work well together.


You Don’t Have to Waste Time on Compatibility Conflicts and Power Struggles


Another definite advantage of hiring a dedicated development team is that its members are absolutely committed to achieving the best possible results rather than concerning themselves with office drama and internal power struggles.


They learn and adopt your company culture, values, and business goals, while the clients decide on the management approach and tools. The high engagement level drives the team to understand your business needs thoroughly, making them remarkably efficient.


With the dedicated team model, you get access to a team of experienced developers who become an extension of your in-house team. With a dedicated team on your side, you can expect high-quality results that are tailored specifically to your business goals.


Hiring and Retaining Individual Talent Costs More


The cost of building an internal development team is high. Hiring and retaining individual talent is much more expensive than working with an external service provider. Salaries, hardware, software, office equipment, and additional training are some of the factors that contribute to the total cost.


Partnering with a dedicated development team will save you considerable costs typically associated with the more traditional approaches to hiring developers. You won’t have to cover office space hiring, training, onboarding, and other related expenses. You pay only for work done without compromising on quality.


Individual Developers May Have Incompatible Skillsets on Diverse Levels of Skill


It’s a no-brainer that relying on a traditional in-house team means having limited skills at your disposal. No matter the project, you will be using the same team, which can hamper your project development.


On the flip side, a dedicated development team model allows you to use a different set of experts for each project. Moreover, with this highly efficient business model, you are not limiting yourself to a single location, meaning unrestricted access to a much wider network of talent.


Another major problem of hiring individual talent is that hiring managers in charge of recruitment may not be proficient enough in IT to determine the skillset and level of expertise required to hire the right people for your development team.


One of the most commonly cited problems is that hiring managers often don’t clearly understand the specific skillsets their team needs. They may know that they need a “web developer” or an “SEO specialist,” but they don’t always grasp what those terms actually mean. As a result, they may end up hiring someone who is only marginally qualified for the position or, worse, completely unqualified.


A Dedicated Development Team Offers Greater Productivity and Security


Undoubtedly, productivity is one of the advantages that help companies win a competitive edge in the current fast-moving market. That is why it’s crucial to have an efficient team focusing on your project with the best results in mind. The dedicated team model is all about productivity.


First and foremost, a dedicated team commits to your project and the assigned tasks. In addition, your dedicated team members likely have already worked together on multiple projects. This means well-established communication between the teammates and smoother processes inside the team.


An added bonus, there is less liability. Since there is the option of signing NDAs with an entire team, it can prevent information about the project from being disclosed.




As you can see, there are many benefits to hiring a dedicated development team over picking individual talent. If you’re looking for a high-quality, cost-effective solution for your development needs, then a dedicated team is the solution.


When it comes to web development, you want a team that is passionate about what they do and will not need to be micromanaged to stay on time and on budget. At Datrick, we pride ourselves on delivering successful projects that make our customers happy.


If you’re looking for a web development team that is passionate about their work, produces high-quality results, and has a track record of success, look no further than Datrick. It would be an honor to put our skills and experience to work for you on your next development project. Schedule an intro call today to get started!


Furkan Yolcu

A data analysis enthusiast with a seasoned career that peaked with a co-founded start-up. Currently working on solutions for large businesses that require outsourcing with a hands-on, innovative HR strategy. Read more posts by Furkan.

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