Fivetran Pricing Model Explained: Examples, Estimates, and More

Fivetran is a popular ELT tool. However, there is often plenty of confusion when it comes to Fivetran pricing. Learn more about the Fivetran pricing model here.

Can Goktug Ozdem

7/27/20224 min read

Fivetran identifies as a leader in automated data integration, and many experts unanimously agree. Listed by Forbes as one of Cloud 100 private companies in 2020 and 2021, Fivetran is undoubtedly a leader in innovation and a popular data integration solution among many businesses. Despite its popularity, there is often plenty of confusion regarding Fivetran pricing. So, let’s take a look at the details about Fivetran pricing, along with examples and estimates, so you can select the best ELT tool for your business needs.

What Is Fivetran?

Fivetran is a comprehensive, cloud-based SaaS ELT (Extract-Load-Transform) and BI (Business Intelligence) tool that enables businesses to build and manage data pipelines. With its help, you can connect all your databases and apps and centralize your data in a target data warehouse.

Since its founding in 2013, Fivetran has grown into an award-winning global brand with offices across the United States, Europe, Australia, Russia, and India. It boasts a wide clientele: well-known enterprises like Autodesk, Asos, Lufthansa, Square, Pitney Bowes, and many more.

The most common Fivetran users include:

  • Rapidly growing companies,

  • Large enterprises that handle high data volumes,

  • Organizations require detailed analytics about customer behavior, customer experience, or marketing analytics and KPIs (Key Performance Indicators).

Fivetran Pricing Explained

The Fivetran pricing model is volume-based. At its core is a concept known as MARs or “Monthly Active Rows.” In simple terms, this is the amount of data originating from your data sources that is uploaded or updated and loaded into your Corporate Data Warehouse (CDW).

So, as the company states on its website, you “only pay for what you use.”

However, a common issue with the MARs pricing strategy is fluctuating data volumes. Companies may experience periods of rapid data volume growth. They also tend to go through data volume spikes resulting from seasonal changes, timely campaigns, events, and similar occurrences. This can lead to steep rises in Fivetran pricing that a company may not have expected or prepared for.

As a result, Fivetran clients and potential customers experience plenty of confusion about how much they are expected to pay per month. This frequently leads to complaints in reviews and forums such as Reddit.

How Does the Fivetran Pricing Model Work?

In addition to being volume-based, the Fivetran pricing model offers five pricing plans that cater to different businesses and their data integration needs.

1. Starter Plan

Designed for smaller businesses with up to 10 users, the Starter Plan includes basic features such as analytic-ready schemas, prebuilt data models, 24/7 global customer support, and more. Fivetran pricing for the Starter Plan begins at $120 per month for 200K million active rows. As your data volume grows, so does your pricing. When you reach 50M MARs, your monthly bill will average $4,628.

To sum up, with the Starter Plan, you can expect to pay:

  • $120/month for 200K MARs

  • $275/month for 500K MARs

  • $500/month for 1M MARs

  • $793/month for 2M MARs

  • $2,380/month for 10M MARs

  • $4,628/month for 50M MARs

Syncs are rather time-consuming and can take up to 1 hour.

2. Standard Select

This Fivetran pricing plan is designed for one-person teams working with low volumes of data. The plan includes everything the Starter plan has and additional features such as fully-managed database connectors, SHH tunnels for encryption, Reverse SHH channels, SLA for system uptime, and access to Fivetran’s Rest API.

It starts at $60 per month for 200K MARs, making it the cheapest plan. Despite this, the Standard Select plan won’t grow with you. It caps your data usage at 0.5M MARs. This will increase your monthly bill to $150 per month. Once your data volume exceeds 500K MARs, you’ll need to consider a different pricing plan.

To sum up, with the Standard Select Plan, your Fivetran pricing estimate will be:

  • $60/month for 200K MARs

  • $150/month for 500K MARs

Syncs are faster than the Starter Plan and will take 15 minutes on average.

3. Standard Plan

Fivetran labels its Standard plan as the most popular option among its customers. Its features are identical to those of the Standard Select plan. However, it caps neither the user number nor usage. With this plan, you can expect to pay between $180 and $3570 per month.

With the Standard Plan, your Fivetran pricing estimate will be:

  • $180/month for 200K MARs

  • $413/month for 500K MARs

  • $750/month for 1M MARs

  • $1,190/month for 2M MARs

  • $3,570/month for 10M MARs

  • $6,942/month for 50M MARs

Syncs take up approximately 15 minutes.

4. Enterprise Plan

Large organizations can benefit from Fivetran Enterprise Plan. It has no user or usage limits. In addition to the Select Plan features, it also includes a more advanced connector and database, security, support, and extensibility features. These include but are not limited to VPN tunnels for advanced security, select cloud providers, and support for multiple subsidiaries.

With the Enterptise Plan, you can expect to pay:

  • $240/month for 200K MARs

  • $413/month for 550K MARs

  • $1,000/month for 1M MARs

  • $1,587/month for 2M MARs

  • $4,760/month for 10M MARs

  • $9,256/month for 50M MARs

Syncs take up approximately 5 minutes.

5. Business Critical Plan

Fivetran has designated this pricing plan for global enterprise teams that require high-level data protection and compliance.

In addition to everything, the Enterprise plan includes Business Critical Plan offers access to HVR solutions, customer-managed keys for encryption, and more.

Fivetran does not provide pricing estimates for its Business Critical Plan but instead prompts businesses that qualify to contact the company’s sales team for an accurate quote.

Syncs take up to 5 minutes on average.

Plan and Estimate Your ELT Budget to Ensure Predictability

To avoid surprise bill increases, it is highly beneficial for businesses to accurately estimate their MARs as well as the potential spikes and growth in their data volume. This will allow you to budget effectively and avoid unexpected charges.

Still Have Doubts about Fivetran Pricing?

We hope that this blog post has provided you with more clarity about ELT tool pricing. If you would benefit from personalized guidance on which tool and pricing plan would work best for your business, Datrick would be happy to help. Schedule a consultation with us to get started.